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艳娥 2024-08-11商务签证
一、哥伦比亚旅游签证所需的资料:1. 有效护照或旅行证件(有效期至少6个月),护照证件完好无缺,至少有两页空白页;2. 记录持照人个人信息的护照资料页复印件,如曾有哥伦比亚签证的,还需哥伦比亚签证复印件和盖有最近一次哥伦比亚入境或出境印章……


1. 有效护照或旅行证件(有效期至少6个月),护照证件完好无缺,至少有两页空白页;

2. 记录持照人个人信息的护照资料页复印件,如曾有哥伦比亚签证的,还需哥伦比亚签证复印件和盖有最近一次哥伦比亚入境或出境印章的资料页复印件;

3. 正确填写签证申请表,申请人签字;



4. 2张近期正面白底彩照,尺寸3×3.5厘米;

5. 机票订单(须为航空公司出具的有效订单,显示预定编号和机票号码);

6. 申请人经济能力证明;

7. 如是受邀请,邀请人需提供经济担保能力证明;

8. 离境机票复印件或机票电子信息单



中国签证――L字签证(赴中国旅游人员Tourists to China)

中国签证――M字签证(赴中国进行商业贸易活动的人员People who go to China for business and trade activities)

中国签证――Z字签证(在中国境内工作的人员Personnel working in China)

中国签证――C字签证(执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人员、国际航行船舶的船员及船员随行家属和从事国际道路运输的汽车驾驶员International train crew members, international aircraft crew members, crew members of international navigation ships and their accompanying family members, and automobile drivers engaged in international road transportation)

中国签证――D字签证(境外申请中国永居)(赴中国永久居留的人员Permanent resident in China)

中国签证――F字签证(赴中国从事交流、访问、考察等活动的人员Personnel who go to China to engage in exchange, visit, investigation and other activities)

中国签证――G字签证(经中国过境的人员People in transit through China)

中国签证――R字签证(中国需要的外国高层次人才和急需紧缺专门人才China needs foreign high-level talents and urgently needs specialized talents)

中国签证――J1、J2字签证(J1常驻(居留超过180日)中国新闻机构的外国常驻记者;J2赴中国进行短期(停留不超过180日)采访报道的外国记者Foreign resident journalists who are resident in Chinese news organizations for more than 180 days; foreign journalists who are resident in China for a short period of time (no more than 180 days))

中国签证――Q1、Q2字签证(Q1因家庭团聚申请赴中国居留的中国公民的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母),以及因寄养等原因申请入境居留的人员;Q2赴中国短期(不超过180日)探亲的居住在中国境内的中国公民的亲属和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的亲属Q1 family members of Chinese citizens who apply for residence in China due to family reunion (spouse, parents, children, children's spouse, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouse) and family members of foreigners with permanent residence in China (spouse, parents, children, children's spouse, brothers and sisters, grandparents and grandparents) Parents, grandchildren, grandchildren and the parents of their spouses), as well as those who apply for residence in China due to foster care and other reasons; Q2 relatives of Chinese citizens living in China and foreigners with permanent residence in China who visit relatives in China for a short period (no more than 180 days))

中国签证――S1、S2字签证(S1赴中国长期(超过180日)探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内居留的外国人的配偶、父母、未满18周岁的子女、配偶的父母,以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内居留的人员;S2赴中国短期(不超过180日)探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内停留居留的外国人的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内停留的人员S1 refers to the spouses, parents, children under the age of 18, parents of foreigners who stay in China for long-term (more than 180 days) visiting relatives in China, and the parents of their spouses, as well as the personnel who need to stay in China due to other private affairs; S2 those who visit China for short-term (no more than 180 days) stay in China due to work, study and other reasons Family members (spouse, parents, children, children's spouse, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) and those who need to stay in China due to other private affairs)

中国签证――X1、X2字签证(X1在中国境内长期(超过180日)学习的人员;X2在中国境内短期(不超过180日)学习的人员X1 long-term (more than 180 days) study in China; x2 short-term (no more than 180 days) study personnel in China)