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艳娥 2024-08-14商务签证
都是一个意思,签证类型。只是用的语言不同而已。各国签证有所不同:美国签证中:过境签证 (C-1)   如果您在前往第三国途中在美国中转,您需要持有美国签证。面谈时您需要准备好以下材料:您目的地国家的签证和旅行目的的说明材料您会回到自己的国家或者在美国以外的……

都是一个意思,签证类型。只是用的语言不同而已。各国签证有所不同:美国签证中:过境签证 (C-1) 如果您在前往第三国途中在美国中转,您需要持有美国签证。面谈时您需要准备好以下材料:您目的地国家的签证和旅行目的的说明材料您会回到自己的国家或者在美国以外的其他国家永久居留的证明 如果你已经预订了机票,你可以提供具体航班信息。但是,请注意您个人必须符合非移民签证的资格。提前出票并不保证您能获得过境签证。船组和机组人员 (C-1 和 D)所有船组及机组人员必须在到达美国前获得非移民签证(C1和/或者D)。如果您是赴美登船的船员,且该船从美国起航,你须持有D签证。以下人员必须申请船组机组人员或过境签证: 赴美登船或登机的飞行员,空乘人员,乘务员,船员或维持船舶常规运作的工作人员或船组机组成员。所有的船组和机组成员,包括续签签证者,都必须前往签证处参加个人面谈。如果您是船组和机组成员,在美国或美国水域中转时间超过29天,您还需要申请B1/B2签证。请注意:中国公民不享有合并的C1/D签证;因此您必须支付两笔签证申请费,一笔用于C1签证,另一笔用于D签证。申根签证What is a Schengen visa? The Schengen visa was introduced under the Schengen Agreements. It is valid in all the Schengen countries and authorises the bearer to stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days within a six-month period starting from the date of first entry into the area. type of visa do I need? The type of visa you need will depend on the length and purpose of your trip. When you apply for your visa, the embassy or consulate will be able to tell you what type of visa you require. The following types of visa exist:Type A Schengen visa: airport transit visaYou can normally stay in the international transit area at the airport without a visa whilst you wait for your connecting flight. However, some nationalities require a visa to do this, even if they do not leave the international transit area. The airport transit visa only authorises the bearer to transit through the airport's international area. Type B Schengen visa This visa is valid for transit through one or more Schengen countries on the way from one non-Schengen country to another non-Schengen country. The transit may last no longer than five days. Type C Schengen visa This visa allows the bearer to enter the territory of the Schengen countries for a maximum stay of 90 days in a six-month period. The visa may be issued for one or more entries. Type D visaThis is a national visa for a stay exceeding 90 days. It is only valid in Belgium, but can also be used for transit through one or more Schengen countries. Type D + C visaThis visa entitles you to travel freely within the Schengen area during the first three months after your entry into Belgium, while you wait to receive your official residence permit. 中国签证种类 定居签证(D) 发给前往中国定居的人员。须提供经中国公安部门批准的定居身份确认表及体检证明(本地体检只限在新加坡中央医院)。定居身分确认表由申请人或其委托的在华亲属向申请定居的中国市、县公安部门申请获得。旅游签证(L) 发给前往中国旅游、探亲或因其他私人事务入境的人员; 访问签证(F) 发给应邀赴中国访问、考察、讲学、经商、进行学术交流、短期进修实习不超过六个月的人员,须提供中方的邀请函电。 职业签证(Z) 发给赴华任职、就业人员及其随行家属。申请人须提供《外国人在华就业许可证》或《聘请外国专家确认件》、中国被授权单位的邀请函及本人体检证明(本地体检只限在新加坡中央医院)。 学习签证(X) 发给前往中国留学、进修、实习六个月以上的人员。申请人须提供入学通知书、中国被授权单位邀请函,或被授权单位签发的JW201或JW202表以及本人体检证明(本地体检只限在新加坡中央医院)。 过境签证(G) 发给须经中国过境的人员。申请人须持有前往第三国的机票、车票或船票。已订妥联程座位搭乘国际航班从中国直接过境、在过境城市停留24小时以内不出机场者,可免办过境签证。 乘务签证(C) 发给前往中国执行国际乘务、航空、航运任务的列车乘务员、飞机机组人员、海员及随行家属。 记者签证(J) J-1签证发给申请常驻中国的记者;J-2签证发给临时前往中国采访的记者。申请记者签证,须提供中国主管部门的批准函电。常驻人员还须提供体检证明(本地体检只限在新加坡中央医院)。Look at the text in the field that says ‘type visum’.If it is marked:with a D, the sticker is an MVV. with a C, the sticker is a short stay visa. with a D+C, the sticker is a combined visa. Different types of visa In principle, there are two main types of visa: the short stay visa and the MVV (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf, Authorization for Temporary Stay). A short stay visa is a travel visa, valid for a maximum of three months. It can be valid for entering the Netherlands once or several times, depending on which you apply for. With a short stay visa, you can also travel freely through all the countries that have signed the Schengen agreement. (This is why it is sometimes called ‘the Schengen visa’.) An MVV is an entry visa, valid for a stay of more than three months. After you pick up your MVV, you have six months to make your trip to the Netherlands. An MVV can be used to enter the Netherlands only once; it is a “single entry” visa. After you arrive in the Netherlands, you will have to apply for a residence permit. This is the follow-up procedure for the MVV. An MVV is valid only for a stay in the Netherlands, not for a stay in the other Schengen countries. (One transit through the Schengen area is allowed, though.) A combined visa has features of both. It is basically an MVV, but it offers the travelling possibilities of the short stay visa as well. This means you can travel freely through any of the Schengen countries during the first three months, and you can enter the Netherlands more than once. 关于美国签证

就是签证的种类!分别是荷兰语 法语 - 英语 !~DC就是您的签证类型啊!具体的说:D+C意思是保证你在居住许可下来之前可以到其他申根国去,就是C保证你三个月之内可以到其他申根国,D是说你可以办理居住许可,使你在三个月后C签证过期了后可以到其他申根国家!~祝贺您!~朋友我回答您的N个问题,批一半的分给我哈!~先谢谢了!