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阿狸 2024-07-02欧洲景点
前言 2022年下半年至今 爬山还是比较多了 如齐云山 八面山 二宝顶 三分石等 疫情也未能阻挡我们的脚步 其实山区人迹罕至 较在家更安全 不过全民放开免疫后 最终在二宝顶因为感染了风寒暨体能消耗过大导致抵抗力降低 终于还是阳了 修养了大约一个月 在 邵东 本地爬了两个不算高的山 感觉恢复得差不多了 于是便又开始惦记 永州 九嶷山那几个山头 去年和野哥去了其中的 八仙下棋 将军石 吊子石等几个户外……
Introduction: Since the second half of 2022, I've been on quite a few mountain hikes, including Qiyun Mountain, Baimian Mountain, Erbao Peak, and Sanfen Stone, undeterred even by the pandemic. Actually, mountains are relatively safer than home due to their remote nature. However, after the nationwide lifting of COVID restrictions, I caught a cold and, with excessive physical exertion, my immunity weakened, resulting in me contracting the virus. After about a month of recovery and hiking two modest peaks locally in Shaodong, I felt ready to tackle the peaks of Yongzhou's Jiuyi Mountain again. Last year, I hiked with my friend Ye Ge to famous outdoor spots like Eight Immortals Playing Chess, General Stone, and Diaozi Stone; you can read about it in my previous post [link]. This time, our group of four – myself, Ye Ge, A Ming, and Wenming (the flag bearer and leader of the邵东 Leaping Outdoor Group, who has three heart stents but remains passionate about outdoor adventures) – planned to traverse Sanfen Stone and Fenjiwo in Ningyuan, following a track from a hiking expert named Ajiong from Jianghua, known for his challenging routes. Please note that his tracks are risky, and I strongly advise against attempting them without a guide or experienced professionals. Jiuyi Mountain, historically one of China's renowned mountains, boasts rich cultural relics, unique landscapes, incredible rock formations, and distinct folk customs. It's a 4A-rated scenic area, one of the new "Eight Scenes of Xiao Xiang," a provincial key scenic spot, a national forest park, and a national heritage site. Prominent peaks include Shunyuan Peak, Shun Emperor Temple, Sanfen Stone, Ningyuan Confucius Temple, and Zihua Cave, among others. Our focus was on Sanfen Stone and Fenjiwo. On January 30, 2023, we departed from Shaodong for Ningyuan, Yongzhou. We discovered that the Sanfen Stone attraction was closed, perhaps due to the pandemic's economic impact, which saved us entrance fees. Arriving at our pre-booked瑶山人家客栈 late in the evening, we set up tents on the floor due to a power outage. The next morning, we headed for Sanfen Stone. As we approached, Sanfen Stone stood tall, but reaching its summit proved more challenging than expected. The weather was pleasant, and we reached a reservoir before encountering an abandoned visitor center. We followed a track that led to Sanfen Stone, but it soon turned into a wilderness trail. Despite being near the peak, we found no clear path and decided to try another route after assessing the risks, especially since Ye Ge had balance issues due to previous surgery. Our new track was wilder, hugging the main peak's cliff face, a route forged by Ajiong himself, which we caution others against attempting due to its dangers along the cliffs. We eventually reached a point where we needed to climb, but the slippery conditions and steep slope made it too risky. Thus, we returned to the original track and decided to explore the nearby Fenjiwo instead. The next day, we started for Fenjiwo, encountering foggy conditions that made navigation difficult. After a strenuous hike, we realized our mistake and retraced our steps. In the future, we'll consider hiring a guide or exploring less adventurous routes to fully appreciate these magnificent peaks. In conclusion, although our attempt to conquer Sanfen Stone was unsuccessful, the journey itself was rewarding. Each outdoor adventure holds unexpected challenges, and it's these experiences that enrich our connection with nature and remind us of our resilience. A month later, I revisited Sanfen Stone solo, successfully reaching both Sanfen Stone and Incense Burner Stone, proving that perseverance and planning are crucial in mountaineering.